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Hulda: your water diary

CreatoriOS AppUI / UX / Development2022

Whether it's your large family that you never want to run out of water at home, your body that you want to hydrate as best as possible, your puppy that you want only the best for, or your dishes that you want to prepare in style Master Chef, Hulda is the right choice to take care of everything you love (including the environment).

Hulda: your water diary Save your data App Screenshot
Save your data
Hulda: your water diary All you need in one place App Screenshot
All you need in one place
Hulda: your water diary Create your avatar App Screenshot
Create your avatar

Zero waste

The plastic bottles, the costs, the time (and petrol!) to reach the supermarket, the physiotherapist's fee that you pay every time your back tolerates yet another case of water. Have you ever thought about how many things you could avoid wasting by having a water filtration system at home?

Hulda: your water diary Check the machine filter status App Screenshot
Check the machine filter status
Hulda: your water diary Take a survey App Screenshot
Take a survey
Hulda: your water diary Choose your avatar App Screenshot
Choose your avatar

My ABenergie